our music
for you
Album"From NATB With Love"
Artist: Nesta And The Blondes
Titel: From NATB With Love
Release Date: 19.04.24
Listen to it on all streaming platforms like
Spotify , Applemusic , Youtube , etc.
And if you would like to have the limited vinyl in your hands please order here
Thank you for your support #weloveyou
We love to see your happy faces with our vinyl - tag us in your photos and stories on Instagram with "@nesta.and.the.blondes" or send us your photo info@natb-music.com
Recorded by the awesome La Masia Studios, Barcelona
Album"Come Inside"
Artist: Nesta And The Blondes
Titel: Come Inside
Release Date: 06.03.2020
Rated by musicheadquaters.de: 9/9
Listen to it on all kind of streaming platforms like
Spotify, Applemusic, Youtube, etc.
AND if you want something "real" holding in your hands like our limited vinyl just make your orders here
Thank you for your support #weloveyou
We love to see your happy faces with our vinyl - tag us in your photos and stories on Instagram with "@nesta.and.the.blondes" or send us your photo info@natb-music.com
Recorded by the awesome La Masia Studios, Barcelona